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Monday, January 2, 2012


 ..... and NOT to forget this WONDERFUL and AMAZING LEAP 48 POSIBLE+ Journey!!!
 Everyday is LEAP!!!  seeing in this pic with Jackie Chua, Byrne, Budds LL Avila, Teng, Dane Juson, etc
 With one of the Best and Great Occi FACI Benjie!

 Sharing time!
 GO TEAM A+! = Buddy LL. Harpreet, Mom Jude, Coach Aaron, Mom Neng, Me and Don
 Yes to POSIBLE 48+
 Yes to POSIBLE 48+
 Yes to POSIBLE 48+
 Yes to POSIBLE 48+
 Yes to POSIBLE 48+

and my LEAP Journey BEGINS with a BANG !!! to conquer the future and beyond......

Soaring High with my LEAP Declaration: " I Surrender to my LOVE"
Living to Move Forward this 2011 and beyond embracing my FREEDOM with COURAGE and AUTHENTICITY...  -yanyan

by: Casper_Cute

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